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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Guest Post: Megan Hart

Why a Serial?
by Megan Hart

When I set out to write The Resurrected, I had this crazy idea of writing a monthly piece that would take a look at several sets of characters and storylines, all within the same or similar time frame, but each piece telling a different part of the story. Not quite chapters, though in the collected version, they read that way. I started working the concepts of the entire story, but had no real idea what would happen in each part. In fact, I wrote part five first, because I'd been at the beach with a friend and had experienced the writhing, Animal Planet mating scene at a local dance club. (Trust me, there's nothing quite like an entire room of people jumping to the beat so hard the floor shakes.)

As the story went on, new characters appeared, along with new storylines. I gave myself free rein to write whatever struck my fancy. Psychopathic child? Yep. Booby-trapped house complete with an exploding toilet? It's in there. Love, romance, sex? There's a little bit of that. Gore? Oh, for sure.

Writing The Resurrected was one of the most fun times I ever had working on a story. It never felt like work, maybe because it was made up of ten individual stories that I got to explore and revisit over the course of the project. I can't even pick a favorite, since all of the characters have their place in my heart. And the end...that's totally in tribute to my son, who asked me very specifically to write something different than what you might be expecting. I hope I managed to do it right. For readers of zombie fiction, what you'll find in The Resurrected is some familiar tropes of flesh-eating and shambling. What you'll see that's a little different is that the resurrected come back to life after being infected with spores from a plant that sprouts after a series of freak storms (idea prompted by a real life spate of weird and non-usual tornados in places that don't generally get them.)

The Resurrected is available now in ten separate pieces, with part one free, or readers who want to dive into nearly 130,000 words worth of alien flowers, underground retreats, running, fighting and loving...you can pick up The Resurrected: The Compendium in digital and print copies. 

Thanks for reading!

About the Author
I was born and I lived awhile and did some stuff. Now I mostly write books and whatnot.


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IT WAS AMAZING!!!! You should be downloading to your e-reader at this very moment! :)

I really liked it. You should def check it out and give it a shot

It was a pretty good read. At least read the synopsis on the back

Eh....It was alright. It's borrow from a friend material.

Leave it on the shelf!

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